2008 Fairbook Changes

Horse & Pony
-Adjust the age breakdown in Pleasure classes. After looking at this class, it was suggested to look at all of the age breakdowns and reflect the same throughout the horse area.
-Rule 26 should also state: please write one check payable to the Eaton County Agricultural Society that covers fees for all horses and ponies in the club.
-Move Pleasure Driving Class to 4 p.m. instead of 5 p.m.
- Add a Driver Reinmanship Fun Class.

Dairy Beef & Veal
- Under Section 77-Veal, delete the word Veal in number 10
- Delete Section 76-Veal Calf Showmanship
- Change Section 78 to read: Dairy Beef & Veal Showmanship and add that classes may be split if numbers warrant.
- Under general rules, add that participation in showmanship is required.
- Under the Rate of Gain Section, add that Dairy Beef & Veal will be weighed in on Sunday, July 6 only, noon to 5 p.m.
- Dairy Beef Veal Showmanship to move to the same day as the Dairy Show.

- Section 32, Class #372 should show ages 11-12

- General rule 3 changed to read: must be planted on or before Memorial Day. The fairgrounds need to be presentable earlier. Early weeding and planting will insure the beds are cleaned out.

- Rabbit Showmanship age breakdown for classes will be broken down based on the chart the Superintendent submitted due to declining entry numbers over the last several years. The 8 classes currently in the book are not necessary.
- Cavy Showmanship Class will be broken down to two classes from three. Again, due to declining entries over the past years.
- Delete sections 75 and 185 due to the declining number of animals in these sections. If there is an entry for this breed, they can be shown under the Other Class.

- Change Class #625 from Two bred and owned by exhibitor to One bred and owned heifer.
- Class #629 should also include the wording “over all breeds”. For example: Champion Bred and owned over all breeds.

- Add to the rules that Cloverbuds are required to complete a Cloverbud Animal Book for each animal.

- Take out the wording weigh-in and insert April tag-in. The Rate of Gain Class will also need to be deleted as there is no longer a spring weigh-in.
- Add in the rules that there is a minimum weight of 220 pounds and a maximum weight of 300 pounds. There must still be a cap on the weight. Clarification of the tag needs to be clarified in the Carcass Contest as well.
- The amount of hogs an exhibitor can tag will be reduced from a maximum of 10 to 5.
- The pen fee will increase from $15 to $17 to help cover the rising cost of feed provided by the Swine Department

- Add a Brace Class in the Fun Section

Open Class Art
Section 1– Amateur has several topics added to the existing classes. See Fairbook.

Open Class Senior Citizens Section: Woodworking
- Delete Class #2981