Welcome to Jenny O'Neal

We would like to give a warm welcome to our newest staff member. Jenny O’Neal will be joining the MSU Extension office on Monday, December 3, 2007. Jenny has a master’s degree in animal science and was a 4-H program assistant in Arkansas.

Most recently, she was a 911 central dispatcher for the Lansing police department.

Many 4-H leaders and youth attended the open candidate presentations on November 2. Your written comments had a great impact on the candidate selection process. Thank you to all those who participated!
-Mona Ellard

New Program Assistant

Hello everyone! Many of you already know me, but for those who don’t, my name is Kristen Argo and I am the new 4-H program assistant for Eaton County...again. I have worked at the MSU Extension office for 4 years. I began as a part-time secretary and moved to part-time 4-H program assistant very briefly a couple of years ago. I then became the full time secretary and as my life got fuller I wanted to go back to part-time and I was fortunate enough to regain this
My family and I live in Charlotte and I feel very fortunate to be a member of this community. I can’t wait to work with everyone again and to see new faces!! Let’s have a great year!

Winter Cancellation Policy

If the Charlotte School District is closed or dismissed early due to inclement weather, countywide meetings or events scheduled for the day will be cancelled. Also, if any meeting or program is cancelled, local radio stations will be notified. If you have any doubt about a meeting being cancelled, please call the Eaton County MSU Extension office to verify. This policy applies to county wide 4-H meetings and activities. Each club should establish their own policy regarding their meetings and be sure all members are notified.

Style Revue Meeting

All clubs interested in participating in Style Revue MUST SEND at least one representative to the next Personal Appearance meeting on Tuesday, January 15 at 7:00 p.m. at the 551 Building. Even if only one club member has even an interest in exhibiting, at least one representative must attend. A lot of work goes into the Style Revue each year and we need all clubs to be involved in the planning of it to assure a successful event. Failure to send a
representative to attend the meeting could prevent clubs from exhibiting. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Officer Training

The next officer training will be held on January 10 from 6-8 p.m. at the 551 Building. All new and any current club officers are encouraged to attend this training to further understand their roles within their clubs and the important job they have in representing Eaton County 4-H. Please RSVP by calling the Extension office by January 4, 2008.
-Leaders are needed to help facilitate. If you are interested, please contact the MSU Extension office at 543-2310.

Shooting Sports Informational Meeting

A mandatory informational meeting for all families interested in participating in the Shooting Sports Program will be held on Saturday, January 12 at Kardel Hall, beginning at 10 a.m. This meeting is necessary in order to explain the safety and protocol involved in the shooting sports program. 4-H families that are interested in shooting this year may complete the paperwork at the meeting or bring the completed paperwork and payment with them. You must be registered as a 4-H member to participate. Archery and BB guns will begin shooting at 1:00 pm for those whose paperwork has been completed and payments received.

Dog Committee Meeting

There will be a Dog Meeting on Tuesday, January 8th at 7 p.m. at the Eaton County MSU Extension Office. The meeting is open to all members and leaders. We will discuss a lot of important information regarding the dog project including fair book changes, price changes for Tuesday night classes, and changes to the May 1st form. It will also be a time to sign-up for jobs for the Pre-Fair Dog Match so it is important that at least one representative from each club be present. For more information, contact Bonnie Seitler at 517-543-3011 or Kristen Argo at (517) 543-2310.

4-H Family Mourns

David Lewis passed away unexpectedly at home on Wednesday, November 14. Dave’s support of the 4-H program was immense and he was very active with the Bits & Bridles club, in which is wife Amy is a project leader and his daughter Felicia is a member. Our thoughts are with his family during this difficult time.

Council Grants Available

Eaton County Council is offering grants to 4-H county-wide associations, committees and events. Grants will not be available for individual clubs again this year. Interested associations and committees may pick the application up at the MSU Extension office. Applications are due by Janaury 28, 2008.


In the last issue , we forgot to list Garrett Mikesell as placing 3rd in Skeet Individual-Jr. section and Cameron Ashley taking a 2nd place in 3-D Archery for 12-14 year olds. We are sorry for the oversight-Congratulations guys!!

Volunteer Celebration– Save the Date!!

Get ready to celebrate another great year!! The tentative date for the 2008 Volunteer Celebration is February 16, 2008 at the VFW National Home in Eaton Rapids. Watch January’s issue for details regarding the theme and time as well as the leader’s to be recognized!

2008 Style Revue

Save the date!! The 2008 Style Revue will be held on Saturday, April 19, 2008 at the Olivet High School. Club leaders should watch the mail to register club members for the event and each club must have at least one representative at the January 15 meeting if you have youth wishing to participate in this event. Please call the office if you have any other questions.

Communications Day

Date: Saturday, February 9, 2008
Entry Deadline: January 14, 2008
Entry Fee: $5.00 for each contest

This statewide contest allows youth to share ideas, skills, and knowledge about topics and issues that interest them while practicing important communication skills. Contests include: public speaking, demonstrations, art/patches/pins, graphic design, cookery/foods, media promotion, educational displays, job interview, and photography. New contests with five $100 individual cash awards are available this year!! Applications are available at the Extension office and must be turned in to the MSU Extension office by January 14, 2008.

Green and White Swine Show

Swine Youth Education Fair and Open Market Hog Show (terminal show).

Date: Saturday, January 26, 2008
Entry Deadline: January 7, 2008-no late entries accepted
Fee: $15/stall (3-4 pigs/stall)

Entry information available at the Extension Office or online at http://www.canr.msu.edu/anscikids/

Educational contests include: Skillathon, Quiz Bowl, Essay, PowerPoint, Virtual Swine Farm Tour

2008 Exploration Days

“Michigan 4-H: 100 Years and Growing!”
June 18-20,2008

It’s never too early to start thinking about Exploration Days! This is a great opportunity for youth to meet others from around the state and experience classes and opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise.

The cost this year is $165 and there are $45 scholarships available. Don’t forget that Council will also cover part of the cost if the youth gives a short participation report at a 4-H Council meeting. Call for more details.

The registration books will be available in the office sometime in February, look in the next issue of the Eaton Express for more information!

National 4-H Conference

March 29-April 3, 2008
Chevy Chase Maryland

This conference is designed for high school students to learn about leadership and citizenship through workshops and visiting the capitol of the United States. The cost is $650.00 per delegate. Applications are available at the extension office and must be turned in by February 1, 2008. Please call the office with any questions.

Citizenship Washington Focus

June 21-28, 2008

Travel with Southwest Michigan 4-H to the National 4-H Conference Center to experience the Citizenship Washington Focus program. The trip will be an experience of a lifetime for any 4-H member!! The cost of the trip is $950 per delegate and include:
¨ Round trip bus transportation from Michigan for the entire week
¨ Conference fees
¨ Lodging at the 4-H National Conference Center and overnight in Gettysburg
¨ Most meals
¨ Admission fees for all tourist sites

The National 4-H Conference Center provides program participants with a friendly environment to stay while in Washington D.C. The 4-H center is equipped with a full-service cafeteria, dorm-style rooms and plenty of space to learn and socialize.

Program assistants will lead participants through sessions including a bill writing workshop, a mock-congressional session and a town hall meeting. 4-H members will discuss issues facing teens in their communities and learn new ways to approach problem, solving in the “Youth in Governance” assembly.

Participants will work in small groups or committees. They will have the opportunity to interact with 4-H members from other communities and states. They will also meet with their U.S. Senators and Representative for a chance to address issues from a teen perspective.

**Remember-Council will pay up to half the cost if appropriate steps are taken. Call for details!

State 4-H Award Program

4-H Members 13-19 years old are encouraged to participate in the prestigious State Award Program. 4-H members who have devoted much time to a specific project area, and have received local recognition for their work should especially consider applying. The first phase of the program requires a portfolio and application submitted no later than March 1, 2008. Kristen and Jenny are very willing to help individuals with this process. Contact the Extension Office as soon as possible for more information

Kettunen Center Classes

- 4-H Peer Plus/ The Future is YOU! Jan. 11-13 Registration open
- 4-H Citizenship, Leadership, and Service Workshop: Jan. 26-27 Registration open
- 4-H Proud Equestrian Program Instructor Update: Feb. 16 Registration Open
- 4-H Vet Science Teen/Adult Leader Workshop: Feb. 22
- 4-H Beef, Sheep & Swine Teen & Adult Leader Workshop: Feb. 23-24
- 4-H Plant Science & Entomology Workshop: Feb. 29-Mar. 2 Registration Open
- 4-H Environmental & Outdoor Education Teen & Adult Volunteer Training Workshop: Feb. 29-Mar. 2 Registration Open
- 4-H Poultry Workshop: Mar. 8-9
- 4-H Family Science Weekend: Mar. 15-16
- 4-H Companion Animal Workshop: Apr. 19-20
- Jump Into Food, Fitness and Family Fun: Mar. 15
-2008 4-H Dairy Conference: Apr. 11
4-H Companion Animal Workshop: Apr. 26
- 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training: Apr. 18-20
-MSUE NRA Rifle Coaching School: Jan. 18-20 Registration Open

For more information on these and
other workshops, please visit

Duane Tirrell Memorial Scholarship

After Duane Tirrell, former sheep superintendent and 4-H leader, tragically passed away in May, his family graciously thought of the Eaton County 4-H program, and chose to set-up a memorial fund in his name that would benefit the Jr. Livestock Association.

Pat and her family created a memorial scholarship application to provide two $250 or one $500 to deserving 4-H members intending to further their education. The requirements are as follows:
¨ Applicant must be a 4-H member and have completed at least 4 years of 4-H in Eaton County.
¨ Applicant must have a desire to raise and develop their own flock/herd of livestock with preference for sheep production.
¨ Applicant may be a high school senior who has been accepted as a full time student at a college or university.
¨ Applicant may be a full-time freshman at a college or university as long as they are still of 4-H age.
¨ Applicant may receive the scholarship only once.

Applications are available at the MSU Extension office and are due May 1, 2008. Please contact the Extension Office for more information. Thank you, Tirrell Family, for offering this fantastic opportunity!

Apple Mountain Ski Day

The information for the January 27, 2008 4-H Ski and Snowboard Day at Apple Mountain is available by contacting Kathy Schofield directly at: kschofield@applemountain.com

Great Website!!

Check out this website for great opportunities through Michigan State!


Beef Weigh-In

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Eaton County Fairgrounds

** All market animals for the 2008 fair must be weighed in at the designated time to be eligible to sell at fair

2008 Clinic to Benefit the Michigan 4-H Horse & Pony Project

Attention!! If you are a youth in the Michigan 4-H Horse & Pony Project and would like to brush up on your Showmanship and Hunter Under Saddle skills, here’s your chance! Trainer, clinician and AQHA judge Rhonda Repogle will be concentrating on these areas at the clinic on February 2, 2008.

Riders selected to participate must pay a $50.00 fee which includes the cost of the stall and 2 admissions for family members. Riders will need to present a negative Coggins Test for the year 2008.

Registration forms are available at the MSU Extension office and must be submitted by January 4, 2008.

Ionia County Large & Small Animal Skill-A-Thon

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Saranac High School

This promises to be a fun and educational day for 4-H members involved in the small animal or livestock projects. The cost is $5.00 per member and you should register by January 11, 2008. Please contact the office at 543-2310 with any questions, guidelines and rules are available at the MSU Extension office.

State 4-H Rabbit & Cavy Show

MSU Pavilion
Saturday, January 26, 2008

The show is open to all 4-H members, registration begins on site at 6 a.m. with an entry fee of $2.75 per class. Registration forms are available online at http://web1.msue.msu.edu/cyf/youth/aniscipr.html#Rabbits or you may pick up the information at the MSU Extension office.

Clare County Hartland Rabbit Show

Saturday, February 16
Farwell High School, 9:00 a.m.

Trophy and ribbon show only, no premiums. Registration takes place the day of the show (must be registered by 8:00 a.m.) and there is an entry fee of $2.50 per rabbit or cavy. Checks can be made payable to Clare County 4-H Small Animal Association. Any questions, please contact Nancy Petree at (989) 539-7805 or petree@msu.edu.

2008 Fairbook Changes

Horse & Pony
-Adjust the age breakdown in Pleasure classes. After looking at this class, it was suggested to look at all of the age breakdowns and reflect the same throughout the horse area.
-Rule 26 should also state: please write one check payable to the Eaton County Agricultural Society that covers fees for all horses and ponies in the club.
-Move Pleasure Driving Class to 4 p.m. instead of 5 p.m.
- Add a Driver Reinmanship Fun Class.

Dairy Beef & Veal
- Under Section 77-Veal, delete the word Veal in number 10
- Delete Section 76-Veal Calf Showmanship
- Change Section 78 to read: Dairy Beef & Veal Showmanship and add that classes may be split if numbers warrant.
- Under general rules, add that participation in showmanship is required.
- Under the Rate of Gain Section, add that Dairy Beef & Veal will be weighed in on Sunday, July 6 only, noon to 5 p.m.
- Dairy Beef Veal Showmanship to move to the same day as the Dairy Show.

- Section 32, Class #372 should show ages 11-12

- General rule 3 changed to read: must be planted on or before Memorial Day. The fairgrounds need to be presentable earlier. Early weeding and planting will insure the beds are cleaned out.

- Rabbit Showmanship age breakdown for classes will be broken down based on the chart the Superintendent submitted due to declining entry numbers over the last several years. The 8 classes currently in the book are not necessary.
- Cavy Showmanship Class will be broken down to two classes from three. Again, due to declining entries over the past years.
- Delete sections 75 and 185 due to the declining number of animals in these sections. If there is an entry for this breed, they can be shown under the Other Class.

- Change Class #625 from Two bred and owned by exhibitor to One bred and owned heifer.
- Class #629 should also include the wording “over all breeds”. For example: Champion Bred and owned over all breeds.

- Add to the rules that Cloverbuds are required to complete a Cloverbud Animal Book for each animal.

- Take out the wording weigh-in and insert April tag-in. The Rate of Gain Class will also need to be deleted as there is no longer a spring weigh-in.
- Add in the rules that there is a minimum weight of 220 pounds and a maximum weight of 300 pounds. There must still be a cap on the weight. Clarification of the tag needs to be clarified in the Carcass Contest as well.
- The amount of hogs an exhibitor can tag will be reduced from a maximum of 10 to 5.
- The pen fee will increase from $15 to $17 to help cover the rising cost of feed provided by the Swine Department

- Add a Brace Class in the Fun Section

Open Class Art
Section 1– Amateur has several topics added to the existing classes. See Fairbook.

Open Class Senior Citizens Section: Woodworking
- Delete Class #2981

2008 Michigan Photo Contest

4-H is again offering all Michigan youth ages 9-19 an opportunity to be part of a prestigious youth photo contest. Twelve photos will be selected to tour Michigan for one year and an additional 18 photos will be selected as regional winners. All 30 photos will be posted on the State of Michigan’s website.

Youth are invited to submit up to two entries by February 15, 2008. All photos must be of historical sites in Michigan that are 50 or more years old.

To register, or for more information, please contact the extension office at 543-2310 or visit the website at www.michigan.gov and go to the “Michigan Week” icon at the left. The
registration form can be found under “Youth Photo Contest.”

2008 Leadermete

Don’t miss the 2008 Leadermete, a great local training opportunity for leaders and teen leaders., Saturday, March 15, 2008 at Kellogg Biological Station. Remember, Council will refund a portion or all of your registration costs, if you attend a Council meeting to give a report of the event. Registration forms are available at the MSU Extension office.

Spartan Women's Basketball Game

The third annual MSU Extension 4-H youth development at the MSU Spartan Women’s Basketball Game will be held at 12:00 noon on January 5, 2008 at the Breslin center in East Lansing.

Leaders must let Kristen know how many youth and leader tickets their club would like by December 18. If there are any questions, please call Kristen at 543-2310.

USDA Loans Available for Youth

Loans are available to youth between 10 and 20 years old who live in a town of less than 10,000 people. This loan can be used for FFA and 4-H projects, to purchase livestock, equipment, supplies, tools or operating expenses for the project. The loan cannot exceed $5,000.00 and the interest rate is fixed at the time the loan is close. The interest rate for November 2007 is 4.75%. Repayment of the loan is individually tailored to the specific project. More information including a packet detailing the program and requirements can be obtained by contacting Sara Possehn, Farm Loan officer at the Ionia County FSA Office at (616) 527-2098.

Horse Quiz Bowl

A Horse Quiz Bowl Team is being established in Eaton County. This is a great opportunity for 4-H members with or without a horse! Contact Amy Nierenberger at 517-663-1699 or Dorothy Childs at 517-627-8888 for more information.

Citizenship Washington Focus

Travel with Southwest Michigan 4-H'er sto the National 4-H Center in Washington D.C. June 21-28, 2008. The trip will be an experience of a lifetime for any 4-H Member. The cost of the trip is $950 and includes:
  • Round trip bus transportation from Michigan for the entire week
  • Conference Fees
  • Lodging at the 4-H National Conference Center and overnight in Gettysburg
  • Most Meals
  • Admission fees for all tourist sites

Remember, 4-H Council will pay up to half of the cost if the appropriate steps are taken. Call the Extension Office for more information.

Eaton Special Riding

Volunteer Opportunity
Eaton Special Riding is looking for volunteers to assist with their riding program on Tuesday's during the day, beginning in the spring. If you are interested, please contact Dorothy Childs at 517-627-8888.

2008 Southwest Region Leadermete

“Celebrating 100 years of 4-H in Michigan.” Mark your calendars for March 15, 2008. Leaders form all over the Southwest region will be gathering at Kellogg Biological Station to share program ideas, skill, and knowledge helpful for working in your local 4-H club. Sessions will include from club development to animal science, career exploration, and working with at-risk populations. A full session listing will be available in the next newsletter.