Citizenship Washington Focus

Citizenship Washington Focus
June 21-28, 2008
Travel with Southwest Michigan 4-H to the National 4-H Conference Center to experience the Citizenship Washington Focus program. The trip will be an experience of a lifetime for any 4-H member!! The cost of the trip is $950 per delegate and include:
♦ Round trip bus transportation from Michigan for the entire week
♦ Conference fees
♦ Lodging at the 4-H National Conference Center and overnight in Gettysburg
♦ Most meals
♦ Admission fees for all tourist sites
The National 4-H Conference Center provides program participants with a friendly environment to stay while in Washington D.C. The 4-H center is equipped with a full-service cafeteria, dorm-style rooms and plenty of space to learn and socialize.
Program assistants will lead participants through sessions including a bill writing workshop, a mockcongressional session and a town hall meeting. 4-H members will discuss issues facing teens in their communities and learn new ways to approach problem solving in the “Youth in Governance” assembly. Participants will work in small groups or committees. They will have the opportunity to interact with 4-H members from other communities and states. They will also meet with their U.S. Senators and Representative for a chance to address issues from a teen perspective.
**Remember-Council will pay up to half the cost if appropriate steps are taken. Call for details!