Volunteer Celebration-Member/Leader Award Ceremony

“Barn Yard Stomp”
Eaton County 4-H Volunteer Celebration
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ceremony and dinner begin at 5:30
Dance to follow from 9-11

Registered project leaders and county award winners (invitations were sent in the mail)
for the 06-07 program year are invited as dinner guests of 4-H council. Family members and guests are encouraged and welcome to attend. Space is limited to the first 250 people who respond. Each leader or guest attending must have a ticket to reserve their seat. Tickets must be obtained in advance at the Eaton County MSU Extension office. Tickets are non-refundable.
VFW National Home for Children
3573 S. Waverly Rd.
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
Final date to obtain tickets for the banquet (Dinner & dance included) is Friday, February 8, 2008
Final date to obtain tickets for the dance only is Friday, February 15, 2008
Adult (9 and up): $13.00
Children (8 and under): FREE
Dance tickets (no banquet): $5.00
Get ready to have a foot stompin’ good time!!

Leaders Recognized

The Eaton County 4-H Council and the Eaton County 4-H Youth Program greatly appreciate the time, talent and involvement these 4-H leaders have given. 4-H leaders are an integral part of a successful 4-H youth development program. The time shared and relations built between caring adults and youth greatly influences the success of our youth.
Listed below are the leaders who will be recognized for their years of service at the Volunteer Celebration on February 16, 2008. Please check the list for accuracy and call the MSU Extension office if corrections are needed.

1 Year Leaders: Jerry Bukoski, Teresa Burkett, Susan Burnett, Jamie Bushong, Justin Casler,
Carol Cheeseman, Kristina Conley, Brenda Franklin, Suzanne Harmon, Clarence Humphrey, Sarah Jones, Angela Locke, Jeffrey Locke, Amy Nierenberger, Michelle O’Meara, Debbie Postma, Kellie Spinner, Marilyn Taggart, Wendy Thoms, Tammy Wolf, Michael Yerge

5 Year Leaders: Paul Brodbeck, Jennifer Carter, Todd Carter, Connie Cunningham, Diana Dixon, Katherine Flegal, Tamara Franks, April Heinze, Kristin Heinze, Casey Johnson, Kim Lerch, Bridget Lilly, Lyle Lindemulder, John Locke Sr., Jacqueline Lorencen, Edward Lynch, Nancy Marsh, Steven Marsh, Diana Miller, Susan Potter, Marlene Promer, Karla Roll, Eileen Roth, Dana Seitler, Cheryl Smith, Julie Van Zee, Naomi Wood

10 Year Leaders: Janet Chauvin, Preston Childs, Kevin Dow, Melanie Dow, Elaine Gardner,
Brenda Hall, Karen Hulsebos, Van Keehne, Kim LaCount, John Locke Jr., Diane Nash, Carl Pease, Colleen Sloan, Lee Spencer

15 Year Leaders: Mary Anderson, Margo Aseltine, Kelli Clemens. Angel Colizzi-McCrumb, Jeff
Granger, Elizabeth Hubert, Diane Kelly, Matt Miller, Randy Spottek, Pamela Wilson

20 Year Leaders: Nancy Bowers, Donna Sederlund, Eric Sederlund, Bill Shurlow

25 Year Leaders: Carolo Ankney, Peggy Papoi, Gloria Parker, Sandy Pifer

35 Year Leaders: Marilyn Bishop, Judy Locke, Phyllis Simpson

2008 Style Revue

2008 Style Revue

Save the date! The 2008 Style Review will be held on Saturday, April 19 at Olivet High School. Club leaders should watch the mail to register club members for the event.

March 15 Deadline Approaching

Deadline Approaching...

March 15 is the deadline for new members for the 07-08 program year. New members enrolled after March 15 will not be eligible for 4-H events until October 2008.

Swine Tag-In

Swine “Tag-In”
April 5, 2008
Eaton County Fairgrounds
Noon-2 p.m.

A swine tag-in will be held this year instead of the traditional weigh-in to help keep the animals
healthy. Swine will not be unloaded at the fairgrounds and measures will be taken to avoid cross-contamination between animals. Members or parents should come prepared to tag their own animal. There is no minimum that the pigs must weigh by this date but there is a minimum weight of 220 pounds and a maximum of 300 pounds when they are weighed in at fair. Rate of gain has been eliminated from the fairbook as well.

Association Meetings

Association Meetings
All meetings are held at the MSU Extension Office,
551 Courthouse Dr., Charlotte, MI.

Feb. 12– Seatbelt Safety, 5-7 p.m.
Mar. 3– 4-H Council, 7 p.m.
Mar. 12– Small Animal Assoc., 7 p.m.
Mar. 20– HDC, 7 p.m.
Mar 25– Seatbelt Safety, 5-7 p.m.

Groundwater Presentations

The Michigan Groundwater Stewardship Program, a statewide educational effort of the MDA, offers FREE presentations to schools and community groups about reducing pollution risks to groundwater and other groundwater sources. Presentations can be tailored to any grade and include hands-on projects and model demonstrations. If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Silveri at 517-543-5848 ext. 5.


Introducing T.E.E.N.S.-

Ingham Regional Medical Center is offering this program to teenagers 14-18
still in high school who are interested in the medical field. You are invited to volunteer 2-3 hours a week and will be matched one-on-one with an adult at the hospital to work with. Youth also have to meet with their mentors for at least 4 hours a month, participate in workshops geared toward career preparation, community service projects and social activities. Anyone interested can contact Jessica West at 517-334-2237 or JessicaWest@irmc.org.

Cancellation Policy


If the Charlotte School District isclosed or dismissed early due to inclement weather, countywide meetings or events scheduled for the day will be cancelled. Also, if any meeting or program is cancelled, local radio stations will be notified. If you have any doubt about a meeting being cancelled, please call the Eaton County MSU Extension officeto verify. This policy applies to
county wide 4-H meetings and activities. Each club should establish their own policy regarding their meetings and be sure all members are notified.

2008 Michigan Youth Photo Contest

2008 Michigan Week Photo Contest

This contest is open to 4-H and non 4-H youth, ages 9-19, who are interested in photographing Michigan historic sites that are 50 years old or older. Historic sites can be a building,
structure, area or object. Photos are due February 15, 2008. For more information, go to ww.michigan.gov/hal. Click on Michigan Week (right column); then click Youth Photo Contest.


Saturday, March 29
9 a.m.– 4 p.m.

Vet-a-visit 2008, the MSU college of Veterinary Medicine’s annual open house, provides a wonderful opportunity to young people considering a career in veterinary medicine or vet
technology. Numerous exhibits are on show as are hands on experiences. Admission is free and
all ages are welcome. For more information, visit www.vetavisit.com
This open house is fun for all ages– DON”T MISS IT!!!

Kettunen Center Workshops

Kettunen Center Workshops

Proud Equestrian Program Instructor Update: Feb. 10-11
Veterinary Science Teen and Adult Volunteer Workshop: Feb. 23-24
Beef, Sheep, and Swine Teen and Adult Volunteer Workshop: Feb. 24-25
Plant Science & Entomology Adult and Teen Leader Training: Feb 29-Mar 2
Environmental & Outdoor Education Teen & Adult Volunteer Training Workshop:
Feb. 29– Mar. 2
4-H Poultry Volunteer Workshop: Mar. 8-9
2008 Dairy Conference: Apr. 11-12
4-H Companion Animal Workshop: Apr. 26-27
Shooting Sports Instructor Workshop: April 18-20

For more information on these and other workshops, please visit

Looking for Cloverbud Committee

Looking for Cloverbud Committee!!

Any teens interested in being on a committee to plan the theme, activities and schedule for Cloverbud camp should contact Kristen at the Extension office. The date and time for camp will be announcedin the next newsletter!

2008 Exploration Days

2008 Exploration Days
“Michigan 4-H: 100 Years and Growing!”
June 18-20,2008

It’s never too early to start thinking about Exploration Days! This is a great opportunity for youth to meet others from around the state and experience classes and opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise. The cost this year is $165 and there are $45 scholarships available. Don’t forget that Council will also cover part of the cost if the youth gives a short participation report at a 4-H Council meeting. Call for more details.
The registration books will be available in the office sometime in February, look in the next issue of the Eaton Express for more information!

Citizenship Washington Focus

Citizenship Washington Focus
June 21-28, 2008
Travel with Southwest Michigan 4-H to the National 4-H Conference Center to experience the Citizenship Washington Focus program. The trip will be an experience of a lifetime for any 4-H member!! The cost of the trip is $950 per delegate and include:
♦ Round trip bus transportation from Michigan for the entire week
♦ Conference fees
♦ Lodging at the 4-H National Conference Center and overnight in Gettysburg
♦ Most meals
♦ Admission fees for all tourist sites
The National 4-H Conference Center provides program participants with a friendly environment to stay while in Washington D.C. The 4-H center is equipped with a full-service cafeteria, dorm-style rooms and plenty of space to learn and socialize.
Program assistants will lead participants through sessions including a bill writing workshop, a mockcongressional session and a town hall meeting. 4-H members will discuss issues facing teens in their communities and learn new ways to approach problem solving in the “Youth in Governance” assembly. Participants will work in small groups or committees. They will have the opportunity to interact with 4-H members from other communities and states. They will also meet with their U.S. Senators and Representative for a chance to address issues from a teen perspective.
**Remember-Council will pay up to half the cost if appropriate steps are taken. Call for details!

State 4-H Award Program

State 4-H Award Program

4-H Members 13-19 years old are encouraged to participate in the prestigious State Award Program. 4-H members who have devoted much time to a specific project area, and have received local recognition for their work should especially consider applying. The first phase of the program requires a portfolio and application submitted no later than March 1, 2008. Kristen and Jenny are very willing to help individuals with this process. Contact the Extension Office
as soon as possible for more information.

Japanese Host Families Needed!!

Michigan 4-H and Japanese Exchange Host families are needed!
Each year, Michigan 4-H families volunteer to host more than 55 Japanese students from the
Japanese Labo program. This year we have committed to hosting 57 youth and 4 adults.
The Labo students and adults will be in Michigan from July 26th to August 22nd. Host families
must have a youth of the same gender and approximate age. They must be willing to open
their homes and hearts to these youth and help them understand the American family culture. The youth typically speak very little English although they have studied it. The purpose of the exchange is for them to hear English spoken in the context of the American culture and to practice using their speaking skills. They also want to learn about American family life and make friends in America. There is no cost to the host family other than transportation to pick up and return their new family member. Host families must be indentified by May 9th.
Please contact Jenny at the MSU Extension office if you are interested!!

Pigeon Workshop

Oakland County Pigeon Workshop
May 18, 2008
9 a.m.– 4 p.m.
Springfield Oaks County Park

4-H members and leaders interested in learning more about domesticated exotic pigeons should plan to attend this event! Numerous topics will be discussed and a free lunch is provided to attendees. For more information, contact Onorio Catenacci at 248-841-8542 or catenacci@leee.org

Upcoming Rabbit Shows

Isabella County 4-H Rabbit & Cavy Show
Saturday, February 23, 2008
West Intermediate School
550 S, Bradley St.
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

Youth must enter the day of the show by 8 a.m. Showmanship begins at 9 a.m. Showmanship, Breed & Educational classes are $2.50. ** Special feature** Borrow a bunny for showmanship-if you don’t have a bunny yet, there will be some available.
For additional information, call Angie Coldwell at 989-828-6229 or Tammy Brecht at 989-828-6394.

Clare County 4-H Heartland Rabbit Show
February 16, 2008
Farwell, MI

Youth interested in this event can contact Don Dietsch at 989-465-2058 or the Clare County Extension office at 989-539-7805. They are offering showmanship and breeding classes.

Rabbit Info for the 2008 Fair

Rabbit Information for the 2008 Eaton County Fair
Rabbit Showmanship is being broken down into age groups this year. They are as follows:
Ages 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17 and older. Cavy Showmanship has been broken down into two age groups. They are: Age 13 and under, age 14 and older.

The section for American Fuzzy Lop and Satins has been eliminated. They can still come to fair
but will show in the All Other Fancy and Commercial Sections.